
CopyQ on CapsLock

July 27, 2024

Remapping CapsLock to run Kmonad Script # Let’s say we want to deactivate the physical CapsLock Button, causing it to no longer send the keycode 66. In Gnome we can do that using the Gnome Tweak Tool for example. Because I want to toggle my Clipboard Manager Window by hitting the CapsLock Button to open up CopyQ I was looking for a solution I could use with Wayland. Thankfully I found Kmonad After some fiddeling around I managed to understand how to set it up, you can do a lot more compared to my simple task of binding a shell script to a Button on my Keyboard. ...


March 30, 2024

Tutorial - hcloud-terraform - source # How-to: Install Fedora CoreOS at Hetzner Cloud - source # Oh My ZSH encourages users (in the final section of .zshrc file) to put personal configurations like alias and themes into the directory set as the $ZSH_CUSTOM. I think it is a good idea to keep all your configurations in this directory, including your path customization. That way you can easily include it to your backups, and restore when necessary. ...


March 28, 2024

Pypr - monitors # # pyprland.toml - draft [pyprland] plugins = ["expose","monitors"] [monitors] [monitors.placement] "Dell Inc. DELL P2719H BDFS123".leftOf = "Dell Inc. DELL U2720Q 5TCZZ13" "LG Electronics LG TV 0x01010101".rightOf = ["Dell Inc. DELL P2719H BDFS123", "Dell Inc. DELL U2720Q 5TCZZ13"] Waybar - config.jsonc # [{ "layer": "top", "position": "top", "output": ["DP-3"], "width": 1080, "include": [ "~/.config/waybar/default-modules.jsonc", ], "modules-left": [ "hyprland/workspaces" ], "modules-center": [ "hyprland/window" ], "modules-right": [ "clock" ] }, { "layer": "top", "position": "top", "output": ["DP-5"], "width": 2560, "include": [ "~/. ...


March 24, 2024

Basics # Fundamental Syntax # SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP BY HAVING ORDER BY LIMIT Types of Joins - PostgreSQL-Docs # INNER JOIN LEFT JOIN RIGHT JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN Joins of all types can be chained together or nested: either or both of T1 and T2 may be joined tables. Parentheses may be used around JOIN clauses to control the join order. In the absence of parentheses, JOIN clauses nest left-to-right. ...


February 16, 2024

Grafana is a multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application. It provides charts, graphs, and alerts for the web when connected to supported data sources. Prerequisites # hetzner - vServer - CPX21 3 VCPU 4 GB RAM 80 GB DISK LOKAL OS - Fedora 39 packages zsh oh-my-zsh sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" tmux neovim - LazyVim fail2ban sendmail ufw nginx letsencrypt - steps to do certbot, python3-certbot-nginx postgres-server grafana Configuration # postgres Installation and Configuration User Creation and Database Creation IMPORTANT - Prevent Login Issue and edit host all all 127. ...


January 10, 2024

1. Wipe Master Boot Record # Talking about MBR-style partitions… dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/[disk device] bs=1 count=64 seek=446 conv=notrunc Explanation: dd This standard command copies bytes from a source and writes them to a destination. It’s the simplest flexible tool for this job. if=/dev/zero Here, we specify that we’re reading from /dev/zero, which is a special device which emits NUL bytes–zeros. of=/dev/[disk device] Here, we specify which device we’re writing to. ...

Micro Inverter

July 14, 2023

What it does. # The setup consits of 2 300 Watt solarpanels and a sg600md micro-inverter that can be be plugged directly into a wall socket. The micro-inverter transmits it’s serial console data over 2.4ghz and thanks to the NETSGPClient the output can be received by a lc12s module connected to an ESP32. From there an MQTT client sends the received data to mosquitto over wifi and depending on the topic the MQTT message will be processed by Node-Red. ...

Hugo Setup

July 14, 2023

Hugo Gitlab Hetzner Setup # How to set up the Hugo static site generator using gitlab pages and a hetzner subdomain. # Prerequisites # See for details. Install Git Install Hugo (extended edition, v0.112.0 or later) Getting some context before starting # A helpfull video by Luke Smith, together with his github repo about Hugo helps understand the structure of hugo a little quicker. Setting up a git repository and pushing it to gitlab # Following the manual on gohugo. ...